Sea turtles are nocturnal, meaning they nest at night. Every now and then, however, we are treated with a daytime nesting turtle, offering us a wonderful opportunity to watch as she traverses the beach after having completed her nest. Alejandro shared this glimpse of a loggerhead sea turtle as she returns to the gulf on Bonita Beach. Notice that everyone stayed way back…as they should! Enjoy!
Turtle Talk Blog

Turtle Links
- CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)
- Endangered Species Research
- Inwater Research Group
- Lake Jackson Ecopassage
- Marinelife Center of Juno Beach
- Mote Marine Laboratory - Sea Turtle Research
- NMFS/NOAA Office of Protected Resources
- NOAA Fisheries Office of Protected Species: Loggerhead Sea Turtles
- Padre Island Sea Turtle, Inc.
- Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation
- Sea Turtle Conservancy
- Sea Turtle Preservation Society
- WIDECAST (Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network)