Turtle Talk Blog

Turtle Talk Archives

Sea Turtle Hatchlings Need Dark Beaches

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Sea turtle hatchlings need dark beaches in order to find their way into the gulf. Lights act like magnets for sea turtles! Please turn off or shield any lights visible from the beach. Better yet, use turtle-friendly Amber LED light bulbs. Close drapes after dark…even visible interior lights can lead hatchlings to their death. Your … Read more

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Scientific American article on lighting work in Florida

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From Marydele Donnelly, Director of International Policy, Sea Turtle Conservancy: This is a short but valuable article on recent efforts to reduce light pollution on Florida’s beaches. More than 30 years ago Dr. David Ehrenfeld wrote the following about beachfront lighting, “With good will and good science people and sea turtles can use the beaches … Read more

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Hatchling Wearing an Ornament…Dangers Lurking Inside Nests

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This little hatchling was trapped in the nest by a shell around its neck. We safely removed the shell… much like a sweater with the flipper out first.  

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Life is in Your Hands

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A poignant, 30-second video by Shalmor Avnon Amichay / Y&R Interactive Tel Aviv & Yaniv Levy. An environmental film to be used freely with a hope for a better world.

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